Thursday 26 November 2009

Mediterranean and ring-billed gulls at Rossi's

Easy to photograph but hard to get a decent background on these.

reddish egret

Still going through some of my Florida images and posted this one on birdguides and it looked terrible, checking to see if its as bad here.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Jay and diver

As I said I've been out a couple of times since the move, here is a acoron collecting jay i found near great Yarmouth and this red-throated diver which I found fishing on the tideline at Salthouse, I followed it for about half a mile but sttruggled to keep up with it of it, eventually I got too tired to follow it any further.

Saturday 3 October 2009

Bald eagle

This Bald eagle was attracted to tern and pelican activity attracted to a school of fish. This osprey made quite a determined attack as you can see.